Sunday, June 26, 2011

A plea by our armed officers?

A policeman’s service is that of nobility and pride. But it involves rigorous hours of work and labor on each of them. Working graveyard shifts and having no time for their families are just some of the short comings of such a demanding job.

Recently it has been seen that more and more policemen are getting irked with their jobs. It has been reported that even after their shifts are over they have been called back to duty by their senior officials. Just as they are ready to call it a day, more work is piled on to them even when the city is undisturbed from any major crimes. A policeman who wishes to remain anonymous, discloses that he is so overburdened by work that he hasn’t seen his children for about a week and over because the only time he has returned home is for lunch when his children are attending school. “I m fed up of this workload, sometimes I wish I could quit the job, but I have a family to look after”, he quotes.

There have been incessant complains and many have threatened to quit their jobs as well. Coincidently there is a lack of interest in joining our said Indian Army as well. The reasons being lack of good facilities. The quality of food provided to our men is totally outrageous. The clothes provided are flimsy and the banks that they have to live in are almost dilapidated and rundown. There is utmost denial, when it comes to joining the army, in the young generation. Furthermore the denial also prevails in families who have relatives in the Army.

A man is more often than not defined by his profession . Has It come to a point where he is ashamed of his own line of work? How will they ever get motivated to do work if there is general lack of interest in their work or for that matter in the superiors conduct towards them?

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